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Listening to Our Clients: The Power of Focus Groups

September 26, 2023

Dear Sävvi readers,

In the ever-evolving world of business, listening is perhaps one of the most invaluable skills a company can possess. At JB SKIN SÄVVI, we not only believe in the power of listening, but we actively seek out opportunities to do so. This is precisely why we recently hosted a focus group exclusively for our clients. This post will take you behind the scenes of that event, shedding light on its purpose, insights gained, and how it will shape our future.


1. The Why: Purpose of the Focus Group

Our decision to conduct a focus group came from a singular belief: our clients have a wealth of knowledge and insights. They are the ones using our products and services daily. Who better to provide feedback, suggestions, and innovative ideas?

Focus groups offer:

  • Direct client feedback in a controlled environment.
  • Opportunities to delve deeper into specific topics.
  • An avenue for clients to share openly and honestly.


2. The How: Conducting the Focus Group

With our objectives in mind, we invited a diverse mix of clients, ensuring a wide representation in terms of how they use our services, and their unique needs. 

The session was organized into various segments, each targeting specific questions or areas of interest.


3. Key Insights Gained

During this engaging session, we gleaned several valuable insights:

  • Client Needs: While many were satisfied, some clients expressed a need for additional features or services. This feedback is invaluable as we plan our next product upgrades.
  • Usability Some clients shared anecdotes of their day-to-day usage, shedding light on areas where we could enhance user experience.
  • Communication: The importance of clear and timely communication was highlighted, emphasizing our need to remain proactive.


4. The Way Forward

Equipped with this goldmine of information:

  • We are prioritizing product enhancements based on client needs.
  • Our communication strategies are being revised to ensure clients feel heard, valued, and informed at all times.

A big thank you to all our esteemed clients who took time out of their busy schedules to participate - Your candid feedback and dedication to helping us grow and serve you better are genuinely appreciated.

Thank you to Lipari for hosting us and Hästens for the great gift bags!

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey of improvement, growth, and relentless pursuit of excellence, always driven by the voice of our clients.

Keep it simple. Keep it Sävvi.

With gratitude


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